By default, any system email is generated by system is sent to root@hostname or system-user@hostname . So critical server errors, log errors, corn jobs alerts etc. all are sent to this default email address. Most likely you want to receive all the emails from different daemons and system components not to the user ‘root ’ but in another user that has access to emails. To change it to different appropriate email id, we can do this by two ways. Step 1: To do this, open /etc/aliases with your favourite editor and navigate to the end of the file. You will find something like this: # vi /etc/aliases root: To add multiple email ids, we can simply separate them by comma. root:, Run the aliases command, to compile aliases file. # newaliases # service postfix restart Step 2: We can simply create .forward file to the folder root and add email address there. # vi /root/.forward serveradmin@awsmo
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