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Part 2: CWP Basic Configuration after Fresh Installation

7. After hosting our first parent domain, We will restart the following service and observe the output # systemctl restart cwpsrv # systemctl restart httpd # systemctl restart named Job for named.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status named.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. That's why my parent domain and below the link is not accessible : 8. Now We will fix the DNS ,  Go to DNS Functions >> List DNS Zones  >> Now click on the "Rebuild Zone" of Parent Domain 9.Now We will create A records for our Server FQDN & Name Server as like below: 10.Please restart the following : 11. Now our Parent domain and all the links are accessible, Please check 12.Restart the following services # systemctl restart cwpsrv # systemctl restart httpd # systemctl restart named 13.After Hosting your Parent domain, Don’t forget to fix the permission Go to User Account >&g

Part 1: CWP Basic Configuration after Fresh Installation

I am very impressed that you have successfully installed CWP on your system. Now you have to configure some basic configuration on it . So Lets get started . 1. At first you need to setup "Root Email"  To Set Root Email for alert & Shared IP :  Goto CWP Settings >> Edit Settings 2. I 'm going to use Apache WebServer only. Select From the left menu, WebServer Settings >> Select WebServers >> Apache Only For High Performance WebServer, Select Nginx + Virnish + Apache Now Click on Save & Rebuild Configuration 3.SetUp NameServers : Goto DNS Functions >> Edit Nameserver IPs 4.Create a Hosting Package :  Goto Packages >> Add a Package 5.Host your Parent domain that related to server FQDN :  Goto User Accounts >> New Account 6. Follow Part 2

How to Install CentOS WebPanel (CWP7.admin ) on CentOS 7.6

1.Requirements Before the Initialization of CentOS Web Panel (CWP) installer: a). Only support static IP addresses and Does not support dynamic, sticky, or internal IP addresses. b). CWP does not provide an uninstaller. After you install CWP, you must reinstall the server to remove it. c). Only install CWP on a freshly installed operating system without any configuration changes. Make Sure that you have performed Step 1 successfully 2.Software Requirements You must have a clean/fresh installation of supported operating systems: CentOS 6, RedHat 6 or CloudLinux 6, MINIMAL installation and English version only! CentOS 7 is also supported, we recommend minimal version. 3.Hardware Requirements 32 bit operating systems require a minimum of 512 MB RAM 64 bit operating systems require a minimum of 1024 MB RAM (recommended) Recommended System: 4 GB+ RAM so you would have the full functionality such as Anti-virus scan of emails. 4.Preparing Server : Let’s install required pac

Installation Perquisite for EFA/Cpanel/CWP7/VestaCP: Part 7 Install Latest EPEL Release

First, update your Base Repository for Cpanel/CWP7/VestaCP installation, then install latest EPEL # yum update -y Reboot The Machine # reboot # rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY* # yum -y install epel-release Run Update again & Check # yum update -y # yum repolist If you have getting any error then run: # yum clean all # rm -rf /var/cache/yum # yum update -y # yum repolist Don't need to install latest EPEL before EFA installation. We will install EPEL after EFA installation.

Installation Perquisite for EFA/Cpanel/CWP7/VestaCP: Part 6 Set-Up Time Zone

Server Time Zone is very important for any Internet Services. My Time Zone is Asia/Dhaka . Follow the steps to configure your Time Zone. # timedatectl list-timezones # timedatectl list-timezones | grep Asia # mv /etc/localtime /root/localtime.old # ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Dhaka /etc/localtime # timedatectl set-ntp yes # timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Dhaka # systemctl restart systemd-timedated.service # timedatectl Local time: Wed 2018-10-31 11:15:50 +06 Universal time: Wed 2018-10-31 05:15:50 UTC RTC time: Wed 2018-10-31 05:15:50 Time zone: Asia/Dhaka (+06, +0600) NTP enabled: yes NTP synchronized: yes RTC in local TZ: no DST active: n/a # hwclock Wed 31 Oct 2018 11:21:37 AM +06 -0.084209 seconds

Installation Perquisite for EFA/Cpanel/CWP7/VestaCP: Part 5 Install Chrony and Configure NTP server

Accurate time keeping is important for a number of reasons in IT. This setup is the best practice that helps with problem diagnosis and informal server monitoring. I am living in Asia that's why i'm using this pool. Install Chrony and Configure The NTP server . # yum -y install chrony ( for rpm based ) # apt install chrony ( for debian based ) # vi /etc/chrony.conf ( for rpm based ) # vi /etc/chrony/chrony.conf ( for debian based ) #server iburst #server iburst #server iburst #server iburst server iburst server iburst server iburst server iburst add the network range you allow to receive requests allow or allow your network cidr :x (save & quit) Reminder: We have disabled firewalld, So we will add the port 123/udp after the CWP installation using CSF firewall.  Start the services and e

Installation Perquisite for EFA/Cpanel/CWP7/VestaCP: Part 4 Disable Network Manager & Setup Static IP

This Tutorial describes how to disable the Network Manager service. The Network Manager service automates the network's settings and disrupts connections to the IP addresses that reside in the ipaliases module. We recommend that you disable the Network Manager service and enable the network.service service before you install EFA/Cpanel/CWP7/VestaCP. # systemctl stop NetworkManager # systemctl disable NetworkManager # nmcli device status # systemctl list-unit-files | grep NetworkManager # systemctl enable network.service # systemctl restart network.service Reboot The Machine # reboot I have two NIC in my VPS, So Add the below parameter in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eXXX of interfaces that are managed by NetworkManager to make it unmanaged. NM_CONTROLLED="no“ # vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33 BOOTPROTO=static NM_CONTROLLED=no ONBOOT=yes :x (save & quit) # vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/if