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Solved : CWP Roundcube Login Problem [ Connection to storage server failed ]

I'm getting problem after CWP mail server migration from existing server to new server. It's showing  Connection to storage server failed ,
Solved : CWP Roundcube Login Problem [ Connection to storage server failed ]
General Troubleshooting Tips
  • Run “postfix check” to make Postfix look for obvious configuration errors. If it returns no output then no problem was found.
  • Read your /var/log/dovecot.log & /var/log/mail.log and look for warnings and errors.
I'm getting the following information from /var/log/dovecot.log
Solved : CWP Roundcube Login Problem Log
I get “Permission denied” from Dovecot in the mail.log file. You have the permissions wrong.
CWP vmail Permission
Run the following command
# chown -R vmail:mail /var/vmail
CWP vmail Permission
Finally all user's of that domain can login successfully .
This post is based on this article.
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Link 2
